Celebrating British Food Fortnight

Celebrating British Food Fortnight

In our (un-bias) opinion, delicious British food and the amazing producers that ensure it...
dirty dozen 2023

Dirty Dozen: Seasonal Organic Saviours

We’ve taken a look at the 2022 ‘Dirty Dozen’ and subsequently picked out the most essential seasonal organic produce.
Organic Farming = Happy Livestock

Organic Farming = Happy Livestock

It’s not only wildlife that benefits from organic farming; our livestock are also much happier and healthier being raised the organic way…
Meet Kelvin Our Market Gardener

Meet Kelvin Our Market Gardener

 We took a trip to our Market Garden and caught up with our head gardener Kelvin, to get to grips with the ins and outs of organic produce…
Soil Satisfaction

Soil Satisfaction

It wouldn’t be Organic September without paying homage to our bedrock and the foundation of our sustainable...
Zero Waste Week: Our Ethos

Zero Waste Week: Our Ethos

With our closed-loop sustainability loop in place, we’re vigilant about reducing our farm’s impact on the environment. This Zero Waste Week...
Introducing Our New Home Farm Kitchen Range

Introducing Our New Home Farm Kitchen Range

We are so excited to announce to you the launch of our new and exclusive Home Farm Kitchen range…
organic lamb

Why Choose Organic Lamb?

With Organic September and Love Lamb Week overlapping, we couldn’t resist the chance to brag about our award-winning...
Taking our Farm Shops to the Streets

Taking our Farm Shops to the Streets

As other producers dropped out of the high street, we explore the role our shops play in interacting with our customers and communicating our...